After a much haphazard morning, a speed repair of the car, we jetted off to Mill Hill Broadway train station to get the train to St Pancreas and then the underground to Leicester Square. [Thats our usual route, we don't like to take the train all the way from Bedford to London for some reason - I think its cheaper.]
I called the comic book shop to check what time everything finished, 3pm! EEK, we were already late! But we managed to get there, 3pm on the dot but after all that rushing around, Sophie and Steve were still lingering around till 4pm anyway! Result.
Sophie was sitting at her little autograph table in the "Orbital Gallery" a little cubby hole length of room. She was still signing away and fortunately, despite the customers, it was a very quiet affair - just the way we like it. A short welcome and reveal of The Wife's Ace jacket lit up Sophie's face, as did the Wife's - she was loving every second of Sophie adoring her jacket. And then there's the money shot:

Sophie even signed the inside of the jacket! :)
Here's a few snaps of Steve's photo gallery of Sophie, all prints were purchasable.

And here's yours truly with Sophie and Steve: