Thursday, 8 August 2013

It's been all quiet on the Western Front in Sophie's World

... it has unfortunately, been very quiet. For this blog especially.

Apologies to regular readers expecting new updates on our jacket/costume, the real life world has reared its ugly head and one doesn't quite get to spend as much time 'playing' anymore.

Anyway, those who do drop by will be pleased with this update, photographer Steven Cook has discovered reels of photos he took with actress Sophie Aldred and has created an event for their reveal.

Entitled "Sophie's World" Cook celebrates 50 years of Doctor Who by opening up a gallery of the photographs and also a signing with Sophie. This happens on 5 September 2013 at Orbital Gallery in London. You can find more details at the facebook event here.

Further to this Steven Cook has released an image that all us Ace-obsessives will recognise:

This picture taken at Crystal Palace park in June 1990 and commissioned by John Freeman (then editor of Doctor Who Magazine) is THE picture that you will find when googling for Ace and Sophie Aldred. The online one being a bad scan from DWM all those years ago, but Steven has kindly released it on Facebook for those of us to replace it in our digital collections - thanks Steven! Reproduced here (without permission) simply because its Sophie in her Ace costume :)

If you do attend the Sophie's World event then we'd love to hear from you, hell we might even see you there! If not, we hope to include a report about it here. And release some pics of our own of any Ace-related imagery that we see.